Dynamic Boarding - Chris Zuchlag

Dynamic Riding

Dynamic Riding is the big difference between a beginner and an intermediate. How much the knee bends determines how much edge a rider gets, edge equals knee bend. A rider has to bend the knees to really get on an edge. When you are ready to get the board going down hill, stand up in the direction that you want to go, get to a flat board and drive your knees on your new edge.

Three points when linking turns that create rhythm and flow are up, turn and edge down.

1. Bend your knees on an edge.

2. Stand up off the edge to get flat.

3. Bend your knees on your new edge.

If you stand in the same position all the time, you are giving your board the same amount of energy and it's going to skid a lot. The more dynamic a rider becomes on the board, the more the edge is going to hold and the more turn shape you have.

Audio and Video Excerpts from
"The Interactive Guide to Snowboarding" CD-ROM
by Interactive Media Productions

©1997, InterZine Productions. All rights reserved.