Fakie Riding - Chris Zuchlag

Fakie riding involves riding the board backwards. No longer is the tip going down the hill.

A rider is using the same principles as normal riding, but now you have a new front foot.

The turn marks that are left in the snow resemble "C" shape marks. When the "C" shape marks link together, you will continual "S" shape marks.

Your upper body will be going straight down the fall line, while working the board with your lower body.

Front Foot Pressure

Start on your edge with tail going down the hill. Stand up while putting a lot of weight on your new front foot.

Look in that direction, get the board flat and drive to your new edge.

Fakie riding is a whole new experience and should be done on general terrain at first.

Take your time executing the Fakie slowly. If you rush the Fakie you will catch your edge too early

Front Foot Pressure

Front Foot Pressure
Remember your tail is your tip, use the same riding style as if you were riding normally - edge, flat, edge and repeat.

Good luck with Fakie riding.

Audio and Video Excerpts from
"The Interactive Guide to Snowboarding" CD-ROM
by Interactive Media Productions

©1997, InterZine Productions. All rights reserved.