Jumping - Chris Zuchlag & Turtle

Up and away!

Before you jump, you have to have a spotter. A spotter is someone who checks out your jump first. A spotter makes sure no traffic is in the area and that you are landing on a gradual grade, not on a flat grade.

As you approach a jump, check your speed, turn and slow down a little bit if you need to.

Here is what you do as you hit the jump.

1. Take off on a flat board.

2. Jump through with your hips.

3. Stay with the board in the air.

4. When you land, land flat.

Remember to take off flat and land flat. If you take off on an edge you will wipe-out in the air and if you land on an edge you will wipe-out when you land. When you land, remember to land flat.

Audio and Video Excerpts from
"The Interactive Guide to Snowboarding" CD-ROM
by Interactive Media Productions